Home » Concerns Mount Over Closure of Afghan Embassy in India
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Concerns Mount Over Closure of Afghan Embassy in India

Earlier, the embassy of Afghanistan in New Delhi in a statement on Saturday announced that it was ceasing operations, effective October 1, 2023.

The Afghan Refugee Committee in India voiced concerns at the closing of the Afghan Embassy in India, saying that the decision has worried Afghans who reside in India.

In a statement, the committee urged the Indian government and the international community to act quickly to protect Afghan immigrants’ rights and called for a resumption of consular services for Afghan immigrants in India.

“The closure of embassy creates a lot of challenges for those immigrants who are living here. They can refer to the only place for addressing their challenges which is the embassy,” said Ahmad Haidar Hadith, an Afghan immigrant.

“Afghan students study in India. When the embassy is closed, students and other Afghans cannot solve the issue of their passports and other problems,” said Nazar Gul Gulabzai, an Afghan immigrant.

Meanwhile, political analysts asked the Islamic Emirate to keep in touch with the Indian government in order to resolve the issue of the Afghan embassy in that country.

“For the Afghan embassy in India which has been closed — the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan should contact India through the foreign ministry and send Afghan diplomats as soon as possible, so that the Afghans do not face problems,” said a university lecturer.

Earlier, the embassy of Afghanistan in New Delhi in a statement on Saturday announced that it was ceasing operations, effective October 1, 2023.

Source : Tolo News
