Home » Syria Regime Bombed Areas Affected by Earthquake 132 Times
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Syria Regime Bombed Areas Affected by Earthquake 132 Times

The Syrian regime has bombed areas affected by the 6 February earthquake 132 times, including 29 attacks targeting areas far from the dividing lines, resulting in five civilian deaths and 42 others injured, the Syrian Network for Human Rights disclosed in a report on Friday.

According to the report, seven vital facilities were damaged in attacks launched by the Syrian regime in the aftermath of the earthquake.

The report notes that northwestern Syria was one of the regions worst affected by the earthquake, adding that the region houses the overwhelming majority of internally displaced persons in Syria.

The internally displaced persons are estimated at 3.2 million, 75 per cent of them are women and children who fled from across Syria, hoping to escape the brutal onslaught by the Syrian regime and its allies, Iran and Russia.

The report documented hundreds of deliberate attacks against civilians and vital infrastructure in the areas where internally displaced persons fled seeking safety.

Furthermore, the report communicated that the Syrian regime deliberately severed internally displaced persons’ access to all basic services, including water and electricity, while insisting that the same regime should be the sole recipient and distributor of all United Nations (UN) humanitarian assistance due to its control of the Syrian state.

“The multilayered suffering and trauma of Syrians in northwest Syria has been further intensified by the aftershocks still taking place as of this writing,” the report expressed.

It added: “Roughly 80 per cent of residents in the region have had to leave their homes and spend nights in the open air in freezing conditions, for fear of further destruction to buildings from any potential aftershocks, which protracted their suffering amid already dire living conditions and psychological trauma.”

The report concluded: “The Syrian regime has unequivocally violated Security Council Resolutions 2139 and 2254, which call for ending indiscriminate attacks, as well as violating the rules of international humanitarian law on the distinction between civilians and combatants.”

Source: MEMO
