Home » Kabul Plans to Build Settlements For Deported Immigrants
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Kabul Plans to Build Settlements For Deported Immigrants

Meanwhile, Afghan immigrants who have been deported from Pakistan asked the Islamic Emirate to provide them more facilities as winter approaches.

The acting Minister of Refugees and Repatriation, Khalil Rahman Haqqani, said that work is underway for the construction of settlements and for the distribution of land for the returnees from Pakistan.

Haqqani said that the Islamic Emirate will help the Afghan immigrants who have returned from Pakistan in a regular manner, and will address their challenges.

“Work is underway on all of this, including making plans for the future and determining how many facilities will be provided for them, as well as building townships and distributing land to them,” Khalil Rahman Haqqani added.

Meanwhile, Afghan immigrants who have been deported from Pakistan asked the Islamic Emirate to provide them more facilities as winter approaches.

“We hope that we should be transferred to our places because the winter is approaching and it’s raining here,” Abdul Malik, a returnee told TOLOnews.

“We ask the government to solve the problems facing the refugees as soon as possible, because there are patients here and they don’t have shelter,” Abdul Khaliq, another returnee told TOLOnews.

According to the consul of the Islamic Emirate in Karachi, Abdul Jabar Takhari, so far about 200,000 Afghan immigrants have returned to the country through Torkham and Spin Boldak crossings.

Source : Tolo News
