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Afghan Immigrants in Pakistan Concerned About Islamabad Decision

Immigrants said that the Pakistani police had ordered hotel and house owners to expel Afghan immigrants from their properties.

Afghan immigrants in Pakistan expressed their concerns about the country’s new stance towards Afghan immigrants.

Immigrants said that the Pakistani police had ordered hotel and house owners to expel Afghan immigrants from their properties.

“Afghan immigrants who were busy working in hotels and shops have also been warned to leave their jobs and return to Afghanistan,” said Zahir Bahand, an Afghan journalist in Pakistan.

“The majority of Afghans who are facing problems are undocumented and spend their days and nights in motels. They either arrived in Pakistan for medical care or as a result of issues in Afghanistan,” said Haji Nazar, an Afghan immigrant in Pakistan.

In the meantime, UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, IOM, and the UN Migration Agency, are appealing to Pakistan to continue its protection of all vulnerable Afghans who have sought safety in the country and could be at imminent risk if forced to return.

A joint press statement from UNHCR and IOM said that the forced repatriation of Afghan nationals has the potential to result in severe human rights violations, including the separation of families and the deportation of minors.

“UNHCR and IOM have a longstanding and strong collaboration with the Government of Pakistan and stand ready to provide support in developing a comprehensive and sustainable mechanism to register and manage Afghan nationals, including those who may be in need of international protection.

Meanwhile, Dawn News agency reported that the government of Pakistan on Friday doubled down on its policy to evict all illegal immigrants — including around 1.7 million Afghan refugees — from the country, saying that the decision was in line with international practices.

“No country allows illegal people to live in their country whether it is Europe, whether it is countries in Asia, in our neighborhood,” caretaker Foreign Minister Jalil Abbas Jilani, told Hong Kong’s Phoenix TV in an interview on the sidelines of a forum in Tibet.

However, the Islamic Emirate considered the detention and torture of Afghan immigrants in Pakistan against international principles and asked the Pakistani government to give Afghan immigrants a chance to return to Afghanistan peacefully.

“We ask Pakistan to reconsider its decision. Want the migrants to return to the country, but they should be given a chance to return peacefully,” said the Islamic Emirate’s spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid.

Pakistan recently announced a crackdown on migrants living in the country illegally, including 1.7 million Afghans, telling them to return to their home countries by Oct. 31 to avoid mass arrest and expulsion.

Source : Tolo News
