Home » New Afghan Business Attaché to Turkey Introduced:  MoIC
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New Afghan Business Attaché to Turkey Introduced:  MoIC

The spokesman for the Ministry of Industry and Commerce (MoIC) said that a new business attaché has been introduced to Turkey. 

The spokesman for the MoIC, Akhundzada Abdul Salama Javad, said since the Islamic Emirate came to power, it has introduced business attachés to Pakistan, Iran, Turkmenistan, and Turkey.

The Afghanistan Chamber of Commerce and Investment (ACCI) said that the presence of the business attachés will improve Afghanistan’s trade with foreign countries. 

“It is the job of our embassies to work in the economic sector so our country will improve. It is the priority of our ambassadors in every country to work on our economy,” said Twakal Ahmadyar, Director General of the ACCI.

The deputy minister of the Economy, Abdul Latif Nazari, said that the presence of business attachés is important for trade relations with the international community. 

“The business attachés are important for the economic development of Afghanistan with several countries,” he said. 

“The business attachés which are being introduced to the countries, they are in fact the representatives of business sector,” said Shamsulhaq Shams, an economist.

The MoE said efforts are underway to introduce more attachés to various countries.

Source : Tolo News
