Home » After Clashes at Torkham, Kabul Calls for Dialogue to Solve Tensions
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After Clashes at Torkham, Kabul Calls for Dialogue to Solve Tensions

Mujahid did not address the cause of the clashes, but he emphasized that tensions should be solved through dialogue.

The Islamic Emirate’s spokesman, Zabihullah Mujahid, said that one of Islamic Emirate soldiers was killed and two others were injured as a result of yesterday’s clashes at the Torkham crossing between the Pakistani military and the Islamic Emirate forces.

Mujahid did not address the cause of the clashes, but he emphasized that tensions should be solved through dialogue.

“We ask the Pakistani side to be cautious in these cases, because it is natural that firing on one side causes problems, it takes people’s lives, and both of us face problems here. We should solve problems through dialogue and we have joint committees for it,” the spokesman noted.

The Torkham crossing witnessed a clash between the forces of the Islamic Emirate and Pakistani border guards on Wednesday.

According to statements made by the local Nangarhar authorities, the clashes were started by Pakistani forces when the Islamic Emirate’s forces were restoring a military outpost 400 meters from the Durand Line.

Torkham crossing has been blocked for the second day after the clashes.

Some passengers and patients are also worried about the closure of Torkham crossing and they asked both sides to solve the tensions peacefully.

“They should solve this issue through understanding. War is harmful. Look at the trucks of fruits and vegetables that have stopped. People have suffered hundreds of thousands of financial losses,” said Awaz Khan, a resident of Nangarhar.

“Because of the clashes, children, women and people faced problems. Here are transit trucks that have stopped because of war and people are facing a lot of challenges,” said Wali Mohammad, another resident of Nangarhar.

Meanwhile, some military analysts have different views about the border clashes between the Islamic Emirate forces and Pakistani military forces.

“Repeating and continuing such armed clashes can have negative effects on the diplomatic relations of countries,” said Sadiq Shinwari, a military analyst.

“It is not in the interest of Pakistan or Afghanistan in any way. The best solution is that all misunderstandings between the two sides should be resolved through understanding, negotiation and interaction based on their mutual interests,” said Asadullah Nadim, another military analyst.

The Torkham crossing has witnessed many clashes between Pakistani border guards and the Islamic Emirate forces in the past two years.

Previously, the Ministry of Interior reported that in the past two years, nearly 50 border clashes have occurred with Pakistan, Iran, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan.

Source : Tolo News
