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National Monument to Canada’s Mission in Afghanistan

Canada joined the United Nations-mandated mission in Afghanistan in October 2001 and continued to support the multinational military efforts there until March 2014. More than 40,000 Canadians in uniform—as well as hundreds of civilians and government officials—served in Afghanistan. Many Canadians died as a result of their service in Afghanistan, including Canadian Armed Forces members, a diplomat, foreign aid workers, a government contractor and a journalist. Thousands of Canadian Armed Forces members and civilians were also injured—physically and psychologically—during the mission.

The National Monument to Canada’s Mission in Afghanistan will recognize the commitment and sacrifice of Canadians who served in Afghanistan, and the support provided to them by Canadians at home.

Public Viewing and Comment on Finalist Monument designs

We were pleased to hear from over 10,000 of you!

Thank you for sharing your ideas on the five proposed designs for the National Monument to Canada’s Mission in Afghanistan. This monument will pay tribute to all the Canadians who served in Afghanistan and those who provided support at home.

Your valuable input will be considered by the jury in their selection.

The winning design will be unveiled soon!

Consultations About Design Considerations

We thank all those who participated in the consultations about design considerations for the National Monument to Canada’s Mission in Afghanistan.

Read the full consultation findings report. This input is helping us create a monument so future generations have an opportunity to learn more about Canada’s Mission in Afghanistan.
