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How Safe Is Kabul for Travel?

Kabul is a very historic city in the region that was built almost 4000 years ago.

The city has been severely damaged during the various 1979–2001 wars, particularly its western parts.

The city of Kabul is divided into 18 sectors, each sector consisting of a handful of adjacent neighborhoods.

Travelers come here to see amazing places of Islamic culture.

Kabul’s streets relatively compact and walkable, so it’s easy to go for a walk in any part of the city.

The most attractive landmarks here are Bagh-e Babur, Lake Qargha, National Gallery of Afghanistan, and National Museum of Afghanistan.

You should know that traveling in Kabul is extremely dangerous and is strongly discouraged.

The current Afghan government has little control over Kabul, which is effectively a war zone.

Threats are unpredictable, and the situation remains volatile.

Warnings & Dangers in Kabul

Overall Risk : High

Kabul is not a preferred travel destination. In addition to a high domestic crime and crime index, the city is susceptible to terrorist attacks and military action. Trips to Kabul are not recommended. However, if you have such a need, consult with the embassy of your country and take increased security measures.

Transport & Taxis Risk : High

In Kabul, you can travel mainly by taxi or by your transport. Public transport is not functioning correctly and is not safe. You must bear in mind that there are cases of the hijacking of cars by terrorists. It is better to move around the city with military security.

Pickpockets Risk : Medium

Pickpocketing is common in the country, and Kabul is no exception. However, amid hostilities in the region, pickpocketing will worry you the least. To protect yourself from minor thefts, take care of your belongings, do not carry valuables and do not leave personal things unattended.

Natural Disasters Risk : Medium

Afghanistan is vulnerable to numerous natural hazards, including earthquakes, flooding, drought, landslides, and avalanches. Explore natural disasters before visiting Kabul.

Mugging Risk : High

Armed robberies are common in Kabul. Tourists are not recommended to walk the streets alone. move in groups, do not carry a lot of cash with you and stay at the hotel in the dark.

Terrorism Risk : High

Terrorism in Afghanistan is the leading and real problem. Military operations and terrorist operations continue to take place in Kabul as well. Avoid mass gatherings, mosques, and embassy buildings – as these are the primary targets for terrorists.

Scam Risk : Medium

Scam in Kabul is also there. But this is unlikely to be your primary concern in this city. Avoid talking to street vendors or those trying to distract you. Order only licensed taxis and services and always negotiate the price of everything in advance.

Women Travelers Risk : High

Women must cover their heads with a handkerchief and wear modest, closed clothes in Kabul. It is not recommended to walk unaccompanied, preferably male. Do not stay in the streets of Kabul after sunset, and do not ride in a taxi alone.

So… How Safe Is Kabul Really?

Kabul is currently still dangerous, and sudden changes can occur in the security situation.

There has been extensive terrorist activity in Kabul, including suicide bombings and attacks on embassies, although they aren’t as frequent as they used to be.

If your visit is essential, consult your country’s embassy in Kabul and monitor the US Dept. of State & UK FCO travel warnings throughout the planning and duration of your trip/stay.

Despite all terrorist activity in Afghanistan, Kabul is generally considered one of the safer parts of the country.

Everyone should avoid restaurants popular with ex-pats and affluent Afghans as much as possible; avoid police and military buildings, as well as embassies of NATO countries and allies as much as possible.

They are the most popular targets for bombings.

It’s unsafe walking after dark in Kabul.

There a lot of riots happen occasionally and are often accompanied by looting — stay well away from them.

Female travelers should wear a headscarf before landing in Kabul Airport until they fly out. And it’s firmly not recommended roaming around Kabul without male support.

While visiting Kabul or any other part of the country, having any social interaction with local people should not be a problem, Afghan people are traditionally very kind and hospitable toward guests.

How Does Kabul Compare?

CitySafety Index
Melbourne (Australia)80
Montreal (Canada)81
Sydney (Australia)80

Useful Information

  • Visas – By the law, citizens of all countries require a visa to visit Afghanistan. The only exemptions are travelers born in Afghanistan, born to Afghan parents, or with parents born in Afghanistan. Visa exemption applies to holders of diplomatic or service passports of China, India (diplomatic only), Indonesia, Iran, Tajikistan, and Turkey for visits up to 30 days.
  • Currency – The afghani is the currency of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, which is issued by the nation’s central bank called Da Afghanistan Bank. It is nominally subdivided into 100 puls, although there are no pul coins currently in circulation. It has a sign: Afs and code: AFN.
  • Weather – The best times to visit Kabul for ideal weather are mid-April to mid-June or September to November. The average temperatures in Kabul vary drastically. Temperatures feel cold for about half of the year and otherwise nice with a low chance of precipitation most of the year.
  • Airports – Hamid Karzai International Airport is an airport serving Kabul. It is located 5 kilometers from the city center of Kabul in Afghanistan. It serves as one of the nation’s main international airports and as one of the largest military bases, capable of housing over one hundred aircraft.
  • Travel Insurance – The travel insurance policy is a must when visiting a foreign country. Make sure you got it before starting your journey, the customs officer may ask for it.

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Kabul Weather Averages (Temperatures)

Jan-1° C

Feb2° C

Mar8° C

Apr15° C

May19° C

Jun24° C

Jul26° C

Aug25° C

Sep21° C

Oct15° C

Nov9° C

Dec3° CChoose Temperature UnitCelsius Fahrenheit

Average High/Low Temperature

Temperature / MonthJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec

Source: Travel Safe
