Home » The President of Tajikistan expressed readiness to develop multifaceted cooperation with Vietnam
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The President of Tajikistan expressed readiness to develop multifaceted cooperation with Vietnam

The head of Tajikistan, Emomali Rahmon, sent a congratulatory telegram to the new President of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, Vo Van Thuong, on the occasion of his election to this high position. Rahmon sincerely wished the Vietnamese leader good health, family happiness and great success in this post, and the people of the country – peace, prosperity and stability. This was reported to the online radio “Voice of the CIS” in the press service of the presidential administration.

The head of state stressed that Tajikistan is considering the countries’ prospects for the further development of bilateral relations and is interested in their effective deepening in all priority areas of interest to both parties. In this context, he expressed the hope that thanks to joint efforts, interstate cooperation will further expand, enriched with new content.

In addition, Rahmon noted the readiness to take all necessary measures for the effective use of existing opportunities in this direction, as well as to continue a constructive dialogue at the highest and high levels.

Source : sng.fm
